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Today I am joined by a panel of guests: Elizabeth Chosa, Laurie Fonken, Ami VanDeventer, and Trish Oberdorf from Veterinary Hope Foundation. Together, they give a 360 view of VHF and how it is growing and evolving continuously.

Plagued by the question, “Could anyone truly be happy in the field?” Founders and board members came together to create supportive solutions and prevent crises. VHF is all about action for positive difference, with a mission to create hope for a path forward as well as build a community for REAL connection and support.

Within their support groups, VHF is inclusive of areas and groups and impacts all throughout vet med. As explained by today’s guests from varied perspectives, the support groups are a complete safe container to go deep into a magic mixture of confidentiality guidelines, generous listening, trust, and feeling seen.

Every veterinarian needs to utilize the resources of VHF, especially within their first 6 weeks! You don’t have to be hurting; you don’t have to be in crisis, as one of the co-founders explains; we can all learn to have better boundaries, communicate better, resolve conflict, and live in accordance with our values. Sometimes you have to push yourself to do that hard thing, but you rarely regret it.

What veternarians need more than anything? Hope. That’s what Veterinary Hope Foundation is all about.

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What’s Inside:

  • Veterinary Hope Foundation, finding happiness for the vet med industry.
  • Inclusive support groups filled with trust and generous listening.
  • Resources are vital for veterinarians at any point in their journey.
  • An offer of hope and path forward.

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